Monday 8 June 2015


So for this entry, I'll name some funny-useless websites. Websites that will make you ask yourself... ''how can someone be this bored??'' :))

Hope you'll enjoy them! love this onee hahahha

I found them thanks to the fabulous youtuber:

[If you have any idea about what do you want me to write about,
go for it!]


Saturday 23 May 2015


[As I told you before, I won't write long entries, I don't like them. They will be short but not because of that they'll be bad. Tell me what do you think about this one...]

Today I'll talk about... WEIRD WORDS! When I was looking for a word for the title of this blog I googled ''weird words'' and you can't imagine what I found out:

  • GALEANTHROPY: (n) the belief that you are a cat.

  • NUDIUSTERTIAN: (n) the day before yesterday.

  • ULOTRICHOUS: (adj) having wooly or crispy hair.

  • FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION: (n) the value of something as worthless.
  • PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS: (n) a disease you get in your lungs when you breathe volcanic ash. (if you could read this one..omg...) 

  • KAKORRHAPHIOPHOBIA: (n) fear to failure.

  • JENTACULAR: (adj) pertaining to breakfast.

  • HANGRY: (adj) a state of anger caused by lack of food. (yeah...think I know this one pretty much)

  • CONCILLIABULE: (adj) being attracted to a person's lips.

  • NILLIONAIRE: (adj) someone having little to no money. (from now on I'll use this word so much).


Saturday 16 May 2015

Hey guys!

Today it's a Saturday morning and I don't know why but I'd like to start a blog, this blog. Easy, isn't it? I will upload a new entry when ever I'll feel inspired (at least once a week). I don't know what I am gonna write about but it won't be boring or reaaally long (the kind of long that just because of laziness you don't read).
Hope you'll enjoy this blog!

P.S.: I'm sorry if there is any grammar mistakes... I'm Spanish!